Saturday, June 30, 2007

Aloha A Hui Hou Hawaii

Emotional will be how I would describe today.

Glancing one last time at my room that I have spent the last 3 years in – reminded of many different times of my life, all the ups and downs. Saying goodbye to my cats. It was as if my cats knew about my leaving. Chloe has been really fussy and she was definitely showing it! When I was saying goodbye to her, she who doesn’t usually stay put for anyone, stayed still and gave me the puss-in-boots look. It was then that I realize that she has been at my side for the past 3 years and kept me company together with Pepper. It was so hard saying goodbye to them.

On the way to the airport, all I could do was stare out the window. Looking at all the views that I am so used to looking at when I am on the H1 freeway. It all reminded me of the time when I first arrived in Hawaii 7 years ago and all this was all new to me. It felt like just yesterday.

Walking away..towards the security checkpoint..with tears in my eyes..glancing back at Su, TM and SG. Realizing that this is real….
Walking away.

At the airport, hanging around before boarding time with SG and Su

This is a homemade gift from Su. It's a scrap book with all my wonderful memories of Hawaii. Thanks a lot Su!!

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