Sunday, July 01, 2007

Thoughts on the Way (1) In Transit in Narita

Saying goodbye. Leaving everything I know of for the past 7 years. This is my life, this is ME. This is what I am leaving behind.

The funny thing is, I am used to leaving. I am used to going places. Packing up and leaving, up for new challenges and adventures. But what we don't realize is that the older we get, the longer we stay around, we leave parts of us behind. Usually out hearts.

We build ties and relationships. These bonds that we share are real and strong. It takes a lot to break them. Somtimes it's unbreakable. Therefore to let go, a lot of times we have to break our hearts.

However to move on... we have to let go.

Boy..don't we all wish there was an easier way...

And off i go again....back home to Malaysia

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