Friday, July 27, 2007

Love Complicated... Is it?

“I am confused. I don’t know what to do. How?”

When someone asks you that, what do you say? What can you say? They come for your advice, you try to give the best you can; and then they say that it’s so complicated. Is it really?

Do you choose old love or new love? Faithful love or passionate love? Do you chose someone who has been there for you all these years, whom you know in and out; or do you chose someone who is new and exciting, someone you don’t know all that well but want to know because that person has potential?

Love is all about taking risks. It’s about a leap of faith. It is not complicated. It is us humans who make it complicated. We make it complicated because we are greedy. We want everything. We want things we already have and we want things we don’t have.

At the end of the day, as many times as we have heard it before, it is all about whom you cannot live or be without. You can be with a lot of people. Come on, we humans are extremely tolerable, though some may beg to disagree. But there are not many people you cannot live without.

When you ask yourself that question – who can’t you live without, and when you imagine your future years ahead and if you can see that person’s face clearly and only if it’s clearly, you will then that he/she is the one.

Once a choice is made, you will realize it wasn’t all that complicated after all. Only then will you find peace.

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