Thursday, August 16, 2007

Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option

Saturday, August 11, 2007

About Self Respect

My friend Kan brought up the subject of self-respect in one of our conversations a couple of days ago. Found some quotes that went along the lines of what we were talking about:

If you want to be respected by others, the great thing is to respect yourself. Only by that, only by self-respect will you compel others to respect you.”
-Fyodor Dostoyevsky

“ It is the highest form of self-respect to admit our errors and mistakes and make amends for them.
To make a mistake is only an error in judgement, but to adhere to it when it is discovered shows infirmity of character”
-Dale E Turner

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

What I Learned ... After A While

After a while you learn the subtle difference between
holding a hand and chaining a soul.

And you learn that love doesn’t mean leaning,
and company doesn’t always mean security.

And you begin to learn that kisses are not contracts,
and present's aren’t promises.

And you begin to accept your defeats
with your head up and your eyes ahead...

With the grace of a woman,
not the grief of a child.

And you learn
To build all your roads on today,

Because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans,
and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.

After a while you learn that even sunshine burns
if you get too much…

So, you plant your own garden,and decorate your own soul...
Instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.

And you learn that you really can endure…
you really are strong,you really do have worth.

And you learn, and you learn…
with every goodbye,
You Learn…

Dinner at ElCerdo

If you like should try this spanish restaurant called El Cerdo in Changkat Bukit Bintang. They are known for their suckling pork among other pork dishes. The suckling pork there is supposed to so crispy and tender that you can cut it with a plate. Yes a plate. That's the highlight. They will show you and allow you to try it and for good luck you smash the plate later. It's like a greek party house with sounds of plates breaking all the time!!

Personally..there was just too much pork for me ;p Guess because I am not a real pork eater except for the occasional pork chop, bak kut teh and 'siu yok'. But this restaurant is quite well known and it's usually fully booked unless reservations are made.
Pork Knuckles and an assortment of sausages, suckling piglet

Parma Ham with Melons, Salad

Pasta and Paella
Mum and Grand-Aunt, and Yew Jin stuck with Piggies Mona Lisas
More Pics Here

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Reunion Gathering

Had a reunion yesterday with some of my closest and oldest friends. It's been years since I last saw some of them. Due to the fact that a few of us are either stationed overseas (Hawaii, Sydney, Singapore) or jobs that brings some of the others in and out of the country, it was nice that most of us were able to come back and have a little gathering. You'll never know the next time will be.

You know how when you were younger and can't understand how your parents keeps repeating stories again and again..and you're wondering 'don't they ever get tired of them'..well we were like our parents last night. Reminiscing old times. There were a lot of laughter.

Most of them I've known since primary school, some from high school and others from college. Can you believe that Jess and I have known each other for about 22 years!! Some are married or are getting married, one's even expecting!! Congrats Gary and Chris.

I am truly blessed to have great friends like you guys!!!

Jess, Me, Amy and Christina. My best gals!!!

Han San, Jean, Kelvin, Kar Shian and Murphy

The whole group of us enjoying dinner at Genki at PJ Hilton

Now these here are the people I've known for the longest time. The 5 from primary school.

The girls at 7ate9

More Pics HERE

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Ultrawoman Wannabe

Yew Jin totally cracked up when i stood in front of his room with these - Eye shields to protect myself from rubbing my eyes after lasik.
Don't you think I look like ultraman??

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


I can see now...without glasses!!

Never knew I would have gotten lasik done so soon. Well..firstly's because I was terrified. I don't think I can stand someone touching my eyes. What's more, I will be fully awake during the procedure - I can see everything??!! With my mum constantly bugging me about it (she works in an eye hospital which sees eye infections all the time)- about how bad contacts can be for you etc, I guess I did it more for her sake then my own.

This is when one will have to say - Mum knows best. The procedure was painless (eyes were numbed) and it was really interesting to see how one's cornea is flipped open (yes I saw all of that). Recovery time was short. I feel great now. Love the freedom that I have. Highly recommend it.

Check out Excelview in Midvalley if you're interested. Great doctors and nurses there (mum's friends)

With Aunthy Khoh (nurse) and mum an hour after the precedure.
I can already see..though a little hazy. Perfect vision the next day.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


DESIRE often conceals a complicated agenda – much in the way the word “want” has 2 definitions – to desire and to lack.

Combine these two meanings and you get the essence of longing – to desire what you lack.

To understand a person’s desire, you must first identify the lack it conceals

Bro's Thanksgiving Dinner

Parents hosted a gathering to give thanks for Yew Jin getting into Malaysian Airlines as a cadet pilot. tickets anyone?

Click Here
for More Pictures

Friday, July 27, 2007

Love Complicated... Is it?

“I am confused. I don’t know what to do. How?”

When someone asks you that, what do you say? What can you say? They come for your advice, you try to give the best you can; and then they say that it’s so complicated. Is it really?

Do you choose old love or new love? Faithful love or passionate love? Do you chose someone who has been there for you all these years, whom you know in and out; or do you chose someone who is new and exciting, someone you don’t know all that well but want to know because that person has potential?

Love is all about taking risks. It’s about a leap of faith. It is not complicated. It is us humans who make it complicated. We make it complicated because we are greedy. We want everything. We want things we already have and we want things we don’t have.

At the end of the day, as many times as we have heard it before, it is all about whom you cannot live or be without. You can be with a lot of people. Come on, we humans are extremely tolerable, though some may beg to disagree. But there are not many people you cannot live without.

When you ask yourself that question – who can’t you live without, and when you imagine your future years ahead and if you can see that person’s face clearly and only if it’s clearly, you will then that he/she is the one.

Once a choice is made, you will realize it wasn’t all that complicated after all. Only then will you find peace.

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Went to Putrajaya to make my MyKad (new and smarter identity card) . It was about time. Mine was the colorful one. Never been there. It’s supposed to be where the new government ministries are located. The thing that caught my eye wasn’t the new buildings or the …roads but the LAMP POSTS! There are so many types of them.
Take a look:

This was one of the many bridges in Putrajaya. I thought it looked intricately beautiful

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I want this, I want that.

Daddy… I don’t know how to do this, fix this for me etc

Life was good. Someone takes care of my every need.

Nothing to think of but eating and sleeping, and of course going to school.

Then *PUFF*…and 20 years have passed..

Wake up and back to reality.

People are counting on us. Needing things from us

Realizing now we have responsibilities…

Monday, July 23, 2007

Pasar Malam (Night Markets)

Why am I posting something about Pasar Malam?? Haha...

A little odd I know...but I really missed the night markets. I have not gone to one in years!

Mum and Yew Jin. Doesn't he look a little Malay here?

MMmmm Mamak Food

One of those things I truly miss most about Malaysia. The 24 hour mamak stores. All the Garlic-Butter Naan, Nasi Lemak, Sup Daging, Roti Canai, Teh Halia etc.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Sometimes having too many choices can be confusing.

Sometimes not having many choices can be frustrating too.

So what is it that we want?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Response to a posting - chaos/peace

Sometimes, love can be a double-edged sword. It can be chaotic and it can be peaceful or both at the same time. It can be the cause or the solution or both. Have you ever wonder whether the solution to your chaos, that little peace that you have - is also the source of it?

Decisions are nasty to make but they will give you peace . If peace is what you want, then decision is what you have to make. It’s a difficult pill to swallow, but like what your mum will tell you when you were sick, you have to take the medicine to make the sickness and pain go away. If not, the sickness will only spread and make you worst.

Procrastinating will not make it better. It is only later that you will wonder why you did not make a decision earlier.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Bro’s Tin Tin is gone!

My brother’s little tin tin (now don’t go wondering) - his little growth near his ear was removed today. I don’t know where the name came from, but Tin Tin was his term of endearment for it. It is actually a really cute little thing..haha. It’s kinds fun playing with it, you can pull it, twist it, flick it…. It is something cute when he was younger but when one grows up, it becomes something one becomes conscious of. So it’s about time it goes away.

Bro's going to personally operate on himself - not!

Viewer's discretion advised - his Tin Tin

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Thanks Kiddo!

I just wanted you to know:

You were a special person in my life at a time when I never knew I needed someone. You were always there with open arms. You were more than I asked for. You brought me hope that there are better things out there and that I'm worth it and that I deserve every bit of it.

You will always remain a part of my memory of a time that I will always be grateful for.

Thanks kiddo.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Granpa’s Still Got Groove!!

Haha…Wow..I just found out that my granpa has a girlfriend!! Granpa’s 86 years old.

Wow..imagine my shock. I mean it is a good kind of shock. He’s been a widow for the past 20 years and I think he deserves some happiness.

Now the best part of this whole new that that lady is about 40 years younger than him!! Let's see ..she’s slightly older than his youngest daughter – my aunt. Makes all of us wonder what it is that she sees in him. My granpa’s not exactly “strong” and all. Is it real companionship? Is it genuine? Or is she with him for the money?

Wonder wonder..

Well…whatever it is, I’m just glad he’s happy

Chris' Birthday Pics

Happy Birthday Chris!!!
More Pics Here

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Cerelia and her baby Natalie

The last time I saw Cerelia was about 7 years ago. Time passed really fast. We were really close in high school. Were both in the States but never had a chance to visit each other. Since then, she has gotten married and given birth to a beautiful daughter named Natalie. Natalie is so adorable!!!

Natalie, Jess and Cerelia

Hello?? Anybody there??

Girls night out with Cerelia and Jess

More Pics Here

Saturday, July 07, 2007

The Hard Questions

What are your plans? All I keep hearing from you is what you don’t want. Do you know what you want? It’s a hard question isn’t it? Okay…you don’t wanna be here..where you wanna go? Do you have a plan? Saying it all don’t mean a thing girl. Where are your plans? Let me know, if you can’t figure it out, I will figure it out for you.

There are things in life that are difficult to accept and comprehend, especially when it comes to oneself. When it comes down to one’s ability. We become complacent and stubborn. We try to run our own lives and sometimes we make wrong choices. A lot of time, there isn’t anyone who stops us. Nobody is accountable for us anymore, except ourselves.

We think we know what we want in life. We sound confident. We are sure. Then comes along a person who breaks everything down for you. Someone who asks you the hard questions.
Someone has to.

Thanks Jess

Monday, July 02, 2007

Happy Lim

My first night out since I got back - with Cerelia and Adrian. The highlight of the night was meeting Happy Lim - Adrian's 'baby'.

With Happy at the back of Adrian's truck

Cerelia and I getting a better look at the Koi ponds that surrounds Adrian's house

More Pics Here

Sunday, July 01, 2007

What?? Was this what I liked?

One thing I can tell you for sure is that people's tastes change as they grow older.

The first thing that shocked me since I got back was my room. It never changed. It has purple/lavender colored walls, purple cabinets, pink ceiling and pink handprints (they are mine) on my purple cabinet doors. Yes...I used to think that was so cool!!

Guess the first thing on my list is to repaint my room since I have a self-imposed 1 month break from work. I needed this break after all these years.

Thoughts on the Way (2) Almost Home

Home...Almost there. Not exactly sure how I feel about it. I know it will take some time to get used to it. How long?

Sigh..guess this is what happens when one is used to being independent and live out of the country by himself/herself.

Warning to parents who are planning to send their kids overseas to study : After studying and working away from home...they may be reluctant to come home and stay home. real patient with them!! :)

Thoughts on the Way (1) In Transit in Narita

Saying goodbye. Leaving everything I know of for the past 7 years. This is my life, this is ME. This is what I am leaving behind.

The funny thing is, I am used to leaving. I am used to going places. Packing up and leaving, up for new challenges and adventures. But what we don't realize is that the older we get, the longer we stay around, we leave parts of us behind. Usually out hearts.

We build ties and relationships. These bonds that we share are real and strong. It takes a lot to break them. Somtimes it's unbreakable. Therefore to let go, a lot of times we have to break our hearts.

However to move on... we have to let go.

Boy..don't we all wish there was an easier way...

And off i go again....back home to Malaysia

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Aloha A Hui Hou Hawaii

Emotional will be how I would describe today.

Glancing one last time at my room that I have spent the last 3 years in – reminded of many different times of my life, all the ups and downs. Saying goodbye to my cats. It was as if my cats knew about my leaving. Chloe has been really fussy and she was definitely showing it! When I was saying goodbye to her, she who doesn’t usually stay put for anyone, stayed still and gave me the puss-in-boots look. It was then that I realize that she has been at my side for the past 3 years and kept me company together with Pepper. It was so hard saying goodbye to them.

On the way to the airport, all I could do was stare out the window. Looking at all the views that I am so used to looking at when I am on the H1 freeway. It all reminded me of the time when I first arrived in Hawaii 7 years ago and all this was all new to me. It felt like just yesterday.

Walking away..towards the security checkpoint..with tears in my eyes..glancing back at Su, TM and SG. Realizing that this is real….
Walking away.

At the airport, hanging around before boarding time with SG and Su

This is a homemade gift from Su. It's a scrap book with all my wonderful memories of Hawaii. Thanks a lot Su!!

Friday, June 29, 2007

My Final Night in Hawaii

I don't believe it's my final night in Hawaii. This is a little surreal. How time passed!

I have to say, I am a really lucky girl. I have the greatest bunch of friends who have been with me all these years and it's really sweet that they want to spend every minute i have left here with me. Some even offered to help me pack or keep me company and not let me sleep till the next morning when I fly off.
I love you guys!!!

Su-lynn and Denesia, Hanging out in mini with Jen and SuGim

Am definitely going to miss the cheap Japanese food

Bubbies ice-cream!! The mochi ice-cream and the Multiple orgasm (hei..that's what they named it!)

Cool guys- Matt, Byron and Su

More Pics, Click Here

Monday, June 25, 2007

Last Weekend Out in Hawaii

My last weekend in Hawaii and what do I do?
Eat and Party!!
Not a real partying person anymore, getting old ;0. The main reason why I kept going back to Pearl Club (which is a reason my friends laugh at a lot) is because of a bartender there named Chad. Yeah Yeah...go ahead and laugh. I just like him cos he is a really bartendar. Made really good drinks and he remembers what you drink. Love the "Chad" shot. haha. Not bad on the eyes either...

Finally got 'uncle' Brendan to laugh/smile on camera. He doesn't like taking pictures. Actually he wasn't really laughing, just shocked that his picture is being taken - he was actually saying HEY!