Tuesday, June 05, 2007

A little Blue

Hmm...I wonder why when people are down..they call it "having the blues"? I am sure there's a reason for how they came up with it...just that i never did take the initiative to find out why. Why not black?...or gray? Gray seems like a sad/down color!

For those who don't know yet... I am going back home to Malaysia in less than a month. Not for good...but for a little while. Need to spend some time with my family as they have not seen me often since I left home 10 years ago. Maybe..it's also to ease my parents transition to having an empty nest as my brother is leaving for Langkawi for cadet pilot training! (Yay!!! Yew Jin got into Malaysian Airlines..I am so proud of you!!). My parents, knowing me, will not expect a fixed presence of me for long...but it'll help them cope...I think..or hope..not sure which one..

On the other hand..I need a change. Needed to leave Hawaii. I felt stuck. It wasn't good for me. Need a change of perspective. A different drive. A new chapter.

I should be excited...yeah? Then why do I feel so BLUE???

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